February 19-23: President Week
3 months ago, Toby Wilder
TK/Kindergarten Registration
3 months ago, Toby Wilder
TK/K Roundup Flier
Check out this awesome Attendance Challenge! When big prizes.
3 months ago, Scott Ferguson
Attendance Challenge
We celebrated the 100th day of school today. Our kindergartners celebrated with a blacklight extravaganza!!!!
3 months ago, Scott Ferguson
Blacklight fun
blacklight fun
5 months ago, Toby Wilder
5 months ago, Toby Wilder
Winter Performance: Wednesday, December 20th. Doors open @ 5:30. Program starts @ 6:00pm. TK-6th will have songs and skits for you to enjoy!
5 months ago, Toby Wilder
pic of  a snowman
Trick or Treat in Loch Lomand
6 months ago, Toby Wilder
trick or treat
Halloween Carnival 9:10am Parade 9:30am Costume Celebration 9:45 Class Halloween Activities begin/PTO Haunted Alley 12:00 Activities end There is a sign-up sheet on the office door if you would like to donate snacks
7 months ago, Toby Wilder
Minimum Days: November 13-17th Parent Teacher Conferences
7 months ago, Toby Wilder