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Cobb Mountain Elementary School

School Profile

Cobb Mountain Elementary School is a kindergarten through 5th grade, small, rural school nestled in the Mayacamas Mountains, amongst the Douglas Firs, Pines and Oak trees. It has been a high performing school that has seen its population change after a devastating fire reshaped the community. Cobb Mountain Elementary School is proud to consistently be one of, if not the highest performing elementary school in all of Lake County. We attribute this to our hard-working and dedicated staff, including our amazing teachers, classified staff, and our involved community that continues to be dedicated to our success year in and year out. We emphasize instruction in core academic subjects but go above and beyond to include instrumental and choral music, a community-funded outdoor garden & nutrition program, technology, and science, as well as character education. We're proud to carry on our school's traditions and will continue to provide individualized student support with significant results.

Cobb School enjoys a parental community that actively participates in school functions and events. Community service clubs are actively involved with our students' success, providing scholarships, monetary assistance for programs and facilities, and human resources to help run the programs. The local community service organizations are active and supportive of the District and its endeavors. Cobb Mountain Elementary School is committed to creating a community of knowledgeable and responsible, lifelong learners through challenging learning experiences and mastery of a standards-based curriculum.